Pig & Whistle Tales - A World of Warcraft Podcast

Solving WoW Queue Times by just simply going healer!

May 29, 2024 Gabriel Season 4 Episode 20
Solving WoW Queue Times by just simply going healer!
Pig & Whistle Tales - A World of Warcraft Podcast
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Pig & Whistle Tales - A World of Warcraft Podcast
Solving WoW Queue Times by just simply going healer!
May 29, 2024 Season 4 Episode 20

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Are solo shuffle queue times driving you up the wall? Get ready to unravel the mystery behind the never-ending wait, especially for DPS players, as we dissect the root cause: a healer shortage. We'll explore why rolling a healer could be your ticket to shorter queues and a whole new gaming experience. Discover the intricacies of queue dynamics based on player rating and bracket, along with some fun alternative activities to keep you entertained while waiting. This episode promises insights that could transform your in-game strategy and make your World of Warcraft experience more enjoyable.

Shifting gears, we'll dive deep into the world of Hunters, focusing on the Marksman spec. Learn why high damage output isn't everything when survivability is at stake. We'll break down the pros and cons of Marksman, Survival, and Beast Mastery Hunters, and compare them to other classes like Retribution Paladins and Elemental Shamans. We'll also tackle the controversial topic of add-ons in PvP, debating whether their limitations could make the game fairer and more exciting. Grab your favorite drink and join us at the Pig and Whistle in Stormwind for this action-packed episode of Tales from Azeroth!

Hope you all enjoy and hope you relate to any of these stories. And I will speak to you all in the next episode!

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The Music at the start is from Tony Catch they do many amazing cover songs for games you can find the link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHiF0dAkbpPMtQSwvAx

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Are solo shuffle queue times driving you up the wall? Get ready to unravel the mystery behind the never-ending wait, especially for DPS players, as we dissect the root cause: a healer shortage. We'll explore why rolling a healer could be your ticket to shorter queues and a whole new gaming experience. Discover the intricacies of queue dynamics based on player rating and bracket, along with some fun alternative activities to keep you entertained while waiting. This episode promises insights that could transform your in-game strategy and make your World of Warcraft experience more enjoyable.

Shifting gears, we'll dive deep into the world of Hunters, focusing on the Marksman spec. Learn why high damage output isn't everything when survivability is at stake. We'll break down the pros and cons of Marksman, Survival, and Beast Mastery Hunters, and compare them to other classes like Retribution Paladins and Elemental Shamans. We'll also tackle the controversial topic of add-ons in PvP, debating whether their limitations could make the game fairer and more exciting. Grab your favorite drink and join us at the Pig and Whistle in Stormwind for this action-packed episode of Tales from Azeroth!

Hope you all enjoy and hope you relate to any of these stories. And I will speak to you all in the next episode!

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The Music at the start is from Tony Catch they do many amazing cover songs for games you can find the link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHiF0dAkbpPMtQSwvAx

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Speaker 1:

Thank you, hello and welcome to the Pig and Whistle Tales from Azeroth. As always here at the Pig and Whistle in Stormwind, I go through a variety of subjects with regards to World of Warcraft. So grab a bottle or a pint, sit back and enjoy this midweek episode. We'll be looking at a few things on the forums, mainly revolving around PvP and going over. If I agree with these points, if I disagree, what's stupid about them, what's good about them? You know everything in between, so let's get straight into it. I have a few things I've picked out here. Now, some of these are very short points, but there's a lot to talk about with them. So solo shuffle queue times is the first one. Played for 1.5 hours last night and sat in queue for 40 minutes of that time. How about implementing a method to make queues faster? I don't pay 15 a month to sit in a queue for 50 of my play time. Sitting in a 20 to 30 minute queue is not very enjoyable, and is less enjoyable when some loser leaves after two to three losses because they have the ego of Kanye West. Now I agree that the queue times are very bad. I'm not saying that they aren't. I'm not saying that it's frustrating or not frustrating. I'm saying that it is frustrating and that the queue times are very bad. What I am going to say, though, is it's because the lack of player base willing to heal. Now healing in solo shuffle is, in my honest opinion, more enjoyable than DPSing, but I don't main healer, I main DPS, but I don't main healer, I main DPS. So me jumping on an alt healer, I'm very relaxed about the whole situation, whereas if it the healer is my main, I'm going to be a bit more uptight and, you know, annoyed about certain things that happen within the game, but I can take the view of it as oh well, it's just an alt, whereas other people can't. Now, if a lot more people were to heal, these queue times for any sort of dps in any sort of bracket will reduce.

Speaker 1:

Now, obviously, you have certain brackets that are going to be a lot longer queue times. You have the rank one, sort of brackets where it's, you know, 27, 28 and anything above 2400. You're looking at a usually more longer queue time. Now, this is to be expected, as there is a lot less people around this bracket level. Therefore, you know, there's a lot less people that can be in your games and that also equates to healers. So let's say you have a thousand healers in solo shuffle and there's 20 000 dps, yeah, what's gonna happen? Like you need two healers in your game and four dps. So for every four dps that you have in your game, two healers are gone. Yeah, that means that you're gonna have an excess of dps just waiting in queue waiting for them healers to be done with their game, and then they queue up and you get them healers who have already played a game. Okay, now, this obviously like depends on your bracket. If you are anywhere between 1000 and 2000 rating, you probably have about 900 of these healers. Yeah, 2000 rating plus, you're going to have 100 of these healers out of the 1000.

Speaker 1:

So it's going to be even more sort of difficult to get healers in your solar shuffle games because, simply put, they might not be wanting to play another game after they've finished that solar shuffle. They might just be done with world of warcraft for the day. They might just be doing one shuffle a day. They, yeah, you know many different aspects of it. Um, but the way that you want to reduce your queue time is to roll a healer. Roll a healer, do it, re-roll a class that can heal, and if you are really desperate about just playing the game, then you can simply log onto a healer and do solo shuffle. This means that you get to experience how the other side of that solo shuffle you know feels. Because, yes, I enjoy healer because of the queue times of solo shuffle.

Speaker 1:

I'm usually on a boomkin that's very high rated and my shuffle queue times are probably around the 40 minute mark as well. Like I can probably say that it's around 20 to 40 minutes anywhere in between that. If I get one sub 20 minutes, then I am really lucky. Um, that's, that's it really. If you want to experience it, re-roll a healer, then you will not have queue time problems. If this is your only concern, you will not have queue time problems if you are wanting to play your specific class. So let's say, on my druid, I'm only wanting to play my boomkin, then I'm at 2500, we'll say around mmr, as that's why I generally end up at the end of the season. I have queue times of about 30 to 40 minutes and I either have to accept this because I know that there's a lack of healers, and there's a lack of healers due to good reason, whether they just don't want to play, they're frustrated. They're just not playing at the moment because you know they don't have to always play solo shuffle every time they log in.

Speaker 1:

Or you sit there and complain. But you also have a lot of other things to do. You can go around, do some world quests, you can do some pve, you can go in old raids, get some mogs. You can do many different things. I'm, uh, currently doing the I forget the name of the achievement, but the one where you get the taven mount so I need to do a lot of things around the dragon isles. So I've got that to keep me sort of um going whilst I'm in any sort of queue, for whether it be 3v3 arena or solo shuffle, anything like that.

Speaker 1:

But if you are someone who complains about queue time, re-roll a healer. Okay, re-roll a healer, then you'll have instant queue times, then there's nothing to complain about, right. But and then what most of the people will do is be like, oh my god, healing in solo shuffle is awful, and it's like, yeah, that's why you have long queue times, because people don't want to heal in solo shuffle, like it's absolutely crazy. It's a cycle of just endless stupidity. Sometimes, like I get that sitting in the queue can be frustrating, but there is an algorithm that says okay, this person is in a queue. It is what it is a queue.

Speaker 1:

You are the 10th person in line and there's only four DPS that can go in a game. The first four DPS go in, that's fine, they come out. You are now sixth in line. The next four DPS go in. That's fine, they come out. You are now sixth in line. The next four DPS go in. That's fine, they come out. You're second in line, so you're in the next four DPS to go into a solo shuffle. Okay, that's what. It is A queue.

Speaker 1:

And just because there's a lack of healers Because if I had to guess, I would say about either 30, 70 or 20 80 percent of solo shuffle is, uh, healer slash dps, so healers like the 30 percent dps is the 70 percent, and I think that's kind of being generous, in my honest opinion. Um, so yeah, if you're, if you're worried about queue times, simply go on a healer and test it out, because I assure you you'll have more enjoyment, like just getting into the game and playing the game, rather than waiting 40 minutes and standing in Valdrak and doing nothing. It's one of them. Things like you're complaining because there's a lack of healers. So make like you know, grab the problem by the scruff of the neck and try it out. At least try out. If you don't enjoy it, that's fair enough. But if you haven't at least tried it out, then I don't know what to say to you. You just you have to wait your time, all right, there's nothing much more to it. Next one this one's very short, but I do want to address it. If I was a rep or it's Marksman Hunter is the title If I was a rep paladin, it would have been nerfed three times by now. If you are honestly defending this class, you are part of the problem.

Speaker 1:

Now, what they're referring to is the damage that Marksman Hunter can output. Now don't get me wrong. Marksman Hunter does a lot of fucking damage, a lot of damage. It's all they're good at, essentially Well, traps-wise and stuff. Their weakness comes from their survivability. You can train down a marksman hunter and they don't have a lot to answer for it. Now, survival hunters are a bit more durable. Bm hunters do their damage kind of passively. Mm hunters need to stand there and cast their aim shots and stuff to get their damage out. Plus, you can line them.

Speaker 1:

Now I don't think that the way that they've buffed hunters is the way to go about it. Over the past few patches that they have released, like for class tuning, I think they slowly buffed marksman hunter, but they buff their damage, only their damage, nothing else, and I think that that's where hunters don't need buffing mm specifically. I think hunter's damage is completely fine. I think it's their survivability that, in some specs, needs to be looked at, especially when it comes to pets, because I feel like pets can die quite easily and if you lose your pet as a hunter, you lose a lot of your toolkit, which isn't great. It really isn't great.

Speaker 1:

So I can understand his frustration to an extent, but the difference between a rep paladin and the hunter is a rep paladin doing a hunter's damage would be busted, would be extremely busted, mainly due to the fact that red paladins have a bubble immunity, have a wall, have a shield of vengeance, have a bop or two or even a spell bop. Have multiple different things to slow down the target, whether it be stun, they have a freedom, they have a cavalier to catch up. Now, admitted, admittedly, these are very smaller cooldowns the freedom and cavalier and they can be kited. Well, I say can be kited. They are also a ranged class at this point of the game, which is ridiculous and shouldn't be. But the paladin is a lot more sustainable now and that was the problem that they had back in Dragonflight Season 1, that they just weren't sustainable at all and they were the punching bags for whatever comp they went up against, essentially. So there's the reason why Rhett would have been nerfed.

Speaker 1:

Hunters have exhilaration, they have a turtle and they have Rorah's sacrifice and feigned death in fairness, roura's sacrifice and feigned death in fairness, in fairness, um, but yeah, it's absolutely crazy that people can't see that point of view. Like the damage is still ludicrous for mm hunters. I think you gotta nerf the damage of them but give them a bit more, you know, survivability or a bit more you know, uh, just durability in some way. I don't know how you'd go about it, but that's what I would go with. Ellie Sherman is the same, I think, because you're just jumping around not casting anything, spamming Lava Burst and Earthshock, and it's crazy and they're still very Thing is, ellie Sherman is still relatively tanky when it comes to they have a leap, they have Astral, they have Burrow. They have Healing leap, they have astral, they have burrow, they have healing streams, they have earth shields. You know, passively they're a male wearing class, so they're going to be resistant against sort of um, physical attacks so many different things that you can compare them to. But yeah, hunters do need a nerf. Mm hunters damage needs an earth, I should say, to be more specific. But you've got to give them something in return, because I don't think that their survivability is up there with what everyone else is. If anything, I would like everyone to be on the level of survive or mm hunter survivability. That's what I would like, because that way everyone's susceptible to dying. But I would still reduce the mm hunters damage a bit and bring everyone else's damage down to that sort of level. That way the healers are the main source of how you survive in an arena and that's, in my opinion, how it should be. I'm not going to lie, but you know that's just my take on that matter. This one I'm very interested in.

Speaker 1:

Add-ons need to be removed from the game. Add-ons are cheating. Be removed from the game. Add-ons are cheating and they play the game for you by causing bells, whistles, text prompts. All you have to do is press the button one step away from being a bot. No other game has this and it makes player versus player not real. It's player and their bot versus other player and their bot. We need to have better colors for abilities or more obvious triggers of cooldowns, and then remove the add-ons. Now. Firstly, in the war within, they are actually changing how certain things look. Um, they're changing how slows look, so I'm pretty sure, like hamstring, crippling poison, um, what other slows? Chains maybe, but Chains of Ice is very like you can see it, but they are making that visual more impactful and be able or visual, which is really really good. So that's already addressed that problem.

Speaker 1:

As for add-ons need to be removed, I am a big fan of this. I think it can go both ways. I think you either give everyone a certain amount of add-ons that they are allowed to use or have active in an arena, whether it be up to three, I would say three maximum, um, or you just simply have nothing. Now, I'm very much an advocate for having nothing. I think that this allows you to play the game a bit more. This allows for the higher-end players to be a lot more. I don't know, it makes it a bit more sort of unpredicted unpredictable because he is right.

Speaker 1:

Whenever you have a week or a pack that just blares out a whistle for you, when someone presses something, you immediately your trigger response because it's, you know, been driven into you over the past like several patches has been OK, I need to port, I need to shadow a death, this trap, or I need to, you know, do something. Yeah, based on this noise that you're hearing now, I think what he's saying is you're one step away from being a bot. I'm not too sure that's true, because you're still playing the game and those at a higher level still have a much better understanding of what is happening. If you were to put someone who's an AWC team against someone who's a 1500 team, the AWC team wins so easily. It's unreal. But if they have the same add-ons, they still win so easily. So it's not about you versus your bot and them versus their bot. If they have the exact same add-ons, the players still matter quite heavily. If you aren't a bot, you're just reacting to certain prompts that you know and they're just better at reacting and understanding how these prompts interact with your character and what you should be doing and what you shouldn't be doing and all of that stuff. So I don't know, look, I'm all my.

Speaker 1:

I'm all very much for add-ons need to be removed from the game, but I think, in order to do that, you need to improve the base arena ui. The one that they gave us is a good start, but you need to add, I think, a simple trinket tracker and a racial tracker. That's it. So shadow meld, uh, every man for himself, um, the dwarven racials, you know, troll racials, all of them essentially, and I think you're good, I, I think, I genuinely think you add that and make the base arena UI like Omni CC or Omni seed no, not Omni CD, like Gladius or something, and you're good.

Speaker 1:

You don't have them tracking, cooldowns or anything. You simply just have the UI with their health bar, their trinket, and that's it, and I think that's what should happen. They'd shrink it and that's it, and I think that's what should happen, and then it's simply just you're not allowed to have any add-ons apart from UI add-ons. Okay, cause I know people like to have their UIs differently. If people want their UIs to look different or a certain way, that's fine. That wouldn't impact anyone sort of you know, give them an edge at all. It's stuff like weak auras and omni cd and stuff that allow people to, you know, be a bit more quicker with their decision making in arenas, because they give a lot more information. So that's my honest opinion.

Speaker 1:

I think that add-ons definitely need to be removed. Um, I just think that if they were to do it, they would need more of a baseline like ui setup in replacement, so that when they do take the add-ons away, you're not stuck with some, you know, outdated, blizzard ui stuff that you know just simply isn't good enough for the level of caliber that we have now, like in world of warcraft. So that is it for this episode. Thank you all very much for listening. Do check out all of the socials down below constant stuff happening over there. But thank you all very much once again and go, avala friend, goodbye all. Thank you.

Addressing Queue Times and Class Balancing
Hunter Class and Add-on Debate