Pig & Whistle Tales - A World of Warcraft Podcast

Exploring the Future of World of Warcraft: The War Within World of Warcraft Uncovered

Gabriel Season 3 Episode 63

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Ever wondered what lies ahead in the World of Warcraft universe, amidst the War within saga? Brace yourselves for a thrilling quest as we extensively cover everything from world bosses, new battleground blitz, to the Timewalking and Deep Six as a Brawl. Besides, we're unraveling a game-changing glitch that impacts the physical slow debuff and its persistent effects even when utilizing a blessing of freedom.

Get ready to explore the revolutionary aspects of the War within expansion. We'll traverse through distinctive zones, dynamic flying and mounts, with the groundbreaking Warbands feature that synchronizes everything on your account, including reputations, collections, and achievements. More excitement awaits as we discuss the new Hero Talents for each class! Lastly, let's gaze into the future as we speculate on the timeline for upcoming expansions, potential patches, and much more. Thank you for being a part of this exhilarating journey through Azeroth. Keep an eye on our socials for continual updates and let’s keep the WoW spirit burning!

Hope you all enjoy and hope you relate to any of these stories. And I will speak to you all in the next episode!

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Speaker 1:

you Hello and welcome to the Pig and Whistle Tales from Azeroth. As always here at the Pig and Whistle Inn in Stormwind, I go for a variety of subjects with regards to World of Warcraft. Grab a bottle or a pint, sit back and enjoy. This episode will be going over the War within the latest expansion, the three latest expansions that World of Warcraft will have to offer. And for those who are wanting Cataclysm and the Season of Discovery, we'll be going over that at a later time. The Cataclysm will be next week, most likely, and Season of Discovery will be the week after, as that is the week that the game or Season of Discovery will be released. So it just makes more sense to do it at that time. But with that being said, we will obviously get into the weekly news. This Knoth and Zikali Elders are your world bosses for the week. The new world boss does not appear until next reset. So next Tuesday for NA Wednesday for EU Warlords of Draenor, timewalking is your bonus event for the week. You can purchase mounts, reputations, pets etc. From Ashran using Timewalking badges, so please do so if you are interested in any specific mount. Deep Six is your brawl for the week. This is a 6v6 battleground and essentially it's played on very few maps Temple of Kotmogu or some gulch stuff like that and it is just a very simple 6v6. I do want to throw in there the battleground blitz is kind of a brawl at the moment as well. Essentially it's an 8v8 and the mounts are very fast, very fast 150% movement speed, I believe and essentially this is what's going to be the ranked battleground system, the solo shuffle battleground system. I'm pretty sure that's what it is going to turn into and it's kind of in its pre-beta, but not really beta, stage. Essentially it is very much a different spin on battlegrounds where something's a bit faster on mounts and stuff. But the objectives are a bit different. For example, the one that I had it was I forgot the name of it it's the Pandarum one. No, not the twin one, not the flag carry one. You know the one where it's got five different bases, like Arathi Basin. I've completely forgotten the name and it's completely alluding me, but essentially it's kind of like an Arathi Basin. You have five different capture points and you click the flag to capture the point, but the twist on it was that someone had to actually be at that flag. You had to stay within a certain radius of the flag before you could cap it. And this allows the opposition to not necessarily just have a shit ton of rogues where you can sap and then cap the flag or sap and then they shrink at the sap and then you blind them, just cap the flag anyway, that kind of deal. You had to be within a certain radius of it and it's kind of like a percentage thing. So if you had two Alliance there and one Horde, it would slowly cap Alliance side. If you had two Horde there and two Alliance, it wouldn't be able to be capped for a while, and if you have more Horde there than Alliance, it just straight up wouldn't be able to be capped essentially by the Alliance because you need to be in favor of it. Numbers wise, I believe. Anyway, I'm not too sure if mythics are happening this week, as season three technically hasn't started yet, but if there are, the affixes would be afflicted, bolstering and tyrannical. Afflicted. You have to help out certain NPCs by healing them. Bolstering. Every time a mob dies, it yells and gives damage and health increase to those NPCs around it. Mob around it and tyrannical. The bosses and the minions that they spawn do have increased health and damage. So bring a talent build to accommodate for that. Now let's get into the war within. So Blizzard announced at Blizzcon that they are doing a saga, essentially a three expansion saga. Now the idea about this is that they're going to release them a bit quicker, a faster pace, maybe one every year, maybe potentially, because the way that we have expansions is one every two years. You know, you start off in November, then by the time that you get to November, this time you're at 10.2, which is halfway through the patch, and then in a year's time, you know you're into your next expansion. That's how it works. It's always worked and that's the way that we imagined that it was going to stay. Now we knew that there was going to be a expansion, but we didn't expect three. So, okay, that is all. All of them will be named very shortly. I do hope that they bring these out a smaller, like a shorter, time span. I understand like they want to get stuff perfect, but honestly, non-perfect stuff is very fun to deal with as well. Speaking of non-perfect stuff, I do want to have a little bit of a detour for those that do PvP. Something has kind of happened in the game that Kind of breaks it in terms of bugs, I really know if I want to share this, but essentially physical slows such as hamstring, concussive shot, even Rogue poisons, anything along them lines, they persist when trying to Remove them. So what do I mean by this? So if you were to apply a hamstring which say 50% slow, physical slow to a target and you use a blessing of freedom from a paladin, that blessing of freedom should remove the hamstring debuff completely. It would just remove the debuff. This is no longer the case. It now Just makes up, makes it so that you run at the normal speed. But as soon as that blessing of freedom goes off, if you still have that hamstring debuff, it will automatically apply. And because hamstring is a 12 second debuff and Blessing of freedom is an 8 second debuff, essentially, if you were to hamstring someone, freedom them, and that freedom at ran its course, ran its 8 seconds and dropped off, you would still have 4 seconds left on that hamstring and you'd still be slowed for 4 seconds. It wouldn't remove the hamstring. And You're thinking okay, just pre-freedom, even if you have freedom on you beforehand, you can hamstring into the freedom so that you can have a slow on them for after that freedom, which shouldn't happen. Any sort of Dis or slow should be dispelled with blessing of freedom, through shape-shifting as a druid, through anything. It's so bad that if a paladin is to bubble a complete immunity yeah, you're immune to everything you can hamstring them and slow them using a physical slow. In that bubble you can apply hamstring while they are like Immune. That is the same for a mage's ice block. You can Apply hamstring or a physical slow to Someone a mage in an ice block, and this is not the case. It's massive. Please, like, try and get this out there, because it is massive for PVP and we want this resolved before the season 3 start, because it kind of breaks a lot of the classes. In terms of druids, a lot of your strong Utility comes from not being able to be slowed as often or not as easily Through the use of shape-shift and you cannot get out of them. It simply does not remove the debuff if, if, yeah, and that's game-changing and yeah, so I thought I'd let everyone know about that. It's great fun. It doesn't work with magical Slows. So we tried the mage's slow, we tried chains of ice. Strangely gets removed with like freedom and stuff. It does its usual mechanics essentially, but yeah, any physical slows, piercing, how Hamstring rogue poisons, concussive shot yeah, anything along them lines. Concussive shots a bit of a weird one because it's magical, but I think it's still class it as a physical because it was in the past. I don't know, it's a bit of a weird one, but yeah, anything along them. Lines Are bugged at the moment and they need to be addressed. So please try and get the word out there with that. Um, but yeah, back to the war within. So three expansions, we have World Warcraft, the war within World Warcraft, midnight, and World Warcraft the last Titan. Now the war within that will take place in a cute little zone, essentially Called it Kaz Algar. Now, this is a zone that is located below the below Kalim door and it just off to the west of Pandaria. It has four different zones Isle of dawn, ringing deeps, aloe fall and, as Kahet, I Hope I said the first word there right now Isle of dawn, and is essentially their capital city. It's it's the city of the dwarves that are there and it's going to be your city for the expansion. Essentially, you start off on the surface of the world and these four zones go down, so Isle of dawn is at the top, at the surface, ringing deeps is below it, below that is halofall, and then, as to catch it is at the final zone, and the way that is structured is essentially layers upon layers. So as you can hit the bottom, hello for above, ringing depths, isle of dawn. And it's very tough to visualize it, essentially because we've never had a zone layout like this, the zone layouts you usually have. If you go back to Dragonflight, you have four zones as your span and are in planes, waking shore and Thaldrasus. And If you go back, good, to another expansion which is Shadowlands, ardenweald, maldraxxus, revendreth and Bastion, that's the one. And then before that you obviously had BFA, with multiple different land masses, which is nice, but they ultimately had the same zones. They had Valdun and Zildazar. And what was the other one? The Marsh one? I've completely forgotten the Marsh one above it, nazmir, that's it. And then for Alliance, you had storm, storm, song Valley, boralis. No, boralis was the city, fuck. Well, you get the idea. You get the idea it's. It's never been like this ever. The closest that you can probably. Hmm, I don't even think that there is a zone like this. So the closer I'm trying to think now, the closest that you could probably get to. This is Probably Northrend, where you go like down into, and the two dungeons like Ankhah and a genre room, but that's literally about it and they're just instances. But that is technically underground, although it is instanced, um. So yeah, I guess we've never had this and I think it'll be really cool. Isla Dawn that looks very lush. It looks like a big city, kind of in disrepair a bit. You know, there's loads of foliage, there's greenery growing on everything, but it looks nice. The ringing deep is kind of like the mining part of it, where a lot of the work happens, and try and think of Black Rock Foundry, but a lot more Chill, like a lot more dwarvish sort of architecture. No Mish, that kind of deal. Hello fool is the one that caught my eye. There is a giant Crystal giving light to this place. I love the idea of that, by the way, and it just looks so Otherworldy like hello fool. You've got the zeppelin's flying around you. It kind of reminds me of revendreth a bit, but just brighter. The architecture looks amazing. And then you've got azca het, which is a. I really, really hope that you know they make use of the nerubians and how they built stuff. The nerubians in law had it just an empire Everywhere underneath, like everything, essentially. So I really hope they do this justice and they make the zone Absolutely spectacular and because they deserve it, like the nerubians, to be honest, they definitely deserve at least one zone that is remarkable to their name in my opinion. But these zones look cool. I'm glad to sit, I'm gonna be glad to see them, gonna be glad to explore them, and I think a lot of my time will be spent in hello fool. To be honest, I'll adorn, obviously is where the major city is, but hello fool just looks Amazing compared to all of them, in my honest opinion. That's, that's just my opinion. All of these zones will have the dynamic flying, so you can Go to the TBC flying if you want, or you can stick with the dragon riding flying and Personally I'm gonna speak stick into dragon riding flying. I find it so much more interactable and a lot more enjoyable, to be honest, rather than just hitting num lock and going in a straight line. Plus, older models of mounts are able to be Ridden as if they were dragon riding. So I know that flight forms actually getting a update, which is really cool for that. You have stuff like invincible. You have the nether drakes from TBC that again in the update, and all of that. That should be around once the expansion comes out, if not earlier, probably now. There's Probably around a few things that we're gonna look at Delves. Delves was one of the things that the they kind of Impointed a lot towards. Now. Delves are a one to five like player thing. They essentially go in with iconic NPCs I think the first season was like brown bronze bid that you're going in with and you can do like Certain things. There's puzzles, there's mob sequels kind of thing, and you earn cosmetics, mounts, etc, etc. This is one to five players and it's what was the word for it class agnostic. I think that was it, though Essentially, if you're a healer, it was scaled to a healer tank, scale to a tank, dps, scale to a DPS and it will do that for the one to five party that you're in. So this is a more casual end game content evergreen feature that they call it and Essentially this is something that they're going to basically improve upon each and every expansion. The delves are, like I said, a very Casual thing. You have, obviously, your PvE, which is your mythic. In your raiding you have your PvP, which is battlegrounds and arenas, but the casual player base get the old stuff and the old stuff is already done, so you're kind of lagging behind in terms of expansions. So, yes, you can go and farm stuff from battle for Azeroth like raid wise, but you can't farm anything from Shadowlands yet like raid wise, so you can't get any of the transmogs. So you're waiting for the war within to be able to go and farm them raids, which shouldn't be the case at all. But yeah, that's kind of all the casual players have at the moment is that farming, that Mount farming, that Transmog farming, you know all of that, the achievements, stuff like that. And this will be a good way for them to keep up their gear relatively like Well and don't have to do any sort of PvE or PvP content. They just go about their business in the open world and have fun. These are also something that PvP is can do while they wait for Q-Pops as well. As I was gonna say, pve is, but I suppose you're in a group or A dungeon and if you're in a group then you can't necessarily enter this because it was scaled to the group site. Yeah, the unlucky PvE is, but you've got a lot already. Pvp is can definitely do these and just get a little bit of a quick gold boost if they need to. Warbands are the next big thing. Um, warbands essentially they make everything on your account, or they make everything account-wide. So they're gonna eventually look at doing reputations, collections, achievements, renowned Bank access, absolutely everything, and they're gonna share it between your characters. The reputation is a massive one because they did say farming it on a different character, like the reputation, can be a bit tedious and annoying. So that is what they're hoping to eliminate, which is very good. Now, the warbands what I'm hoping for. They didn't show a little bit of a Screen or a preview. Essentially they've got the characters your characters, all sat around in a camp, around a campfire, and I really hope that they do this and this is like the main login screen. Now you kind of pick your character via Clicking on the camp. I think that'll be really cool. Um, but yeah, they'll show like your little characters all in their transmog, set around a campfire, you know, chilling and stuff, and it would just be a really nice sort of different view on the main menu because we Win. We've never had something different, never on the main sort of login screen and for 20 years nearly, yeah, nearly 20 years because you've obviously you log in and you go to your character select, you've got your character and then your characters on the right, that you have your alts. That has never changed in 20 years. That's always been Obviously visual updates and stuff and the backgrounds of like the characters, like the Toran stuff has obviously been updated, but that itself, the core fundamentals of it, has never changed. I could be completely wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm not in this instance. So I think it will be really fun to just that is the small things that obviously are going to change that and or change the way that you feel about the game, because it will feel fresh. Essentially, hero talents these are the ones, these are the bad boys that I cannot, cannot wait to Like, see. Essentially so, hero talents are going to be a talent specialization that you are given for your class. Now, each should talent tree, or each specialization the each class has three different specializations. Demon hunters and druids are a special case, as they referred to it. Now, these Specializations will share a specialization. I say in that way too many times. I don't like it and it has many different forms. So I'm gonna only pick out a few because I'm not gonna go over all of them. Death Knight has I'll go over one from each class that sound the coolest Rider of the apocalypse for death, night bells, guard for the demon hunter I like a loon's chosen it's got to be a loon's chosen for a druid. Evoker, crono warden, hunter, dark ranger loads of people will be liking that one just saying major spellslinger, monk, conduit of the celestials, paladin, herald of the light, priest, all of these sound really cool. But void weaver will go for rogue, death stalker, shamann to. I like storm bringer actually storm bringer. Or Farsi Warlock, diabolist oh that sounds so good and warrior I'm gonna go with Colossus. Now, all of these essentially are subspecs, so they share. So if you're a fury warrior and you want to share the subspec with protection, that will be the Colossus like a subspec. So this will mean that you're going into more of the tankier nature of it. And the ones that they showed are the druid ones and the ones that I have seen the most. I'm gonna be going over them as an example. So you have keeper of the grove and a loon's chosen. Now this is for balanced druids. Elune's chosen kind of goes into more of your damage, like your burst damage. Keeper of the grove is more sustained damage, more, you know, sort of buffing up or bigger hits essentially, and more consistent damage, and you have about five rows of things. So you have one, one talent at the top, like you usually do in every single specialization, and this will give you your baseline for the talent, the hero talents, that'll be. This is purely example five percent damage increase on your starfire. Okay, now there are obviously nine different choices. There's three different Nodes to go down, and at the bottom you have something that amplifies the top Node essentially. So it will just be another five percent damage on your starfire. Yeah, that kind of deal. You kind of get the idea it really wants to hone in on what you're amplifying Essentially from that top node. The others are obviously going to change how you play your specializations every now and again. These can be switched out completely at will and Obviously just need to not be in combat. So, which is really good, you don't need to go to a trainer or anything. I'm pretty sure you can switch between the others as well. So if you are a loon's chosen and you wanted to go to keeper of the grove. I'm pretty sure you can do that. You just don't need to be in combat, or you just don't. You just shouldn't be in combat in order to do so. Now, these are really really good. We have only seen the boomkin ones so far, but All of them will be released, I would imagine, very soon within the next few months, I would say and they are all subject to change, obviously, but it'll be nice for us to actually get our hands on them and test them out and stuff like that. We obviously have a new race. Who would have thought? Another dwarf race, earthen. So I'm pretty sure that is Three or four dwarves races that we can play. You have normal dwarves, you have the black rock dwarves and then earthen, so three dwarves. I'm very curious about their racial. The dwarf ratios are usually very good for like PVP. But yeah, essentially you unlock these guys by completing the main campaign and they will just join you. There's no rep required. It is just simply do the campaign and you will be able to make one of these earthen dwarves, which is really really cool. They did show some cosmetics and there was a female dwarf with a magnificent beard and it looked amazing, so Definitely want to make one of them Dynamic flying. We've gone over a little bit, but this is essentially. You can go between both of the flying types the dragon riding flying or the normal TBC flying. The zone layouts are built with dragon riding in mind, so be aware of that. Like the the passages go through, it allows you to swoop down, get momentum and you can go back up and use momentum and stuff like that. I would imagine that they've taken all of this into account and, you know, make it very useful or very user-friendly. I should say. The best thing about it is everything that we've learned in the dragon is essentially, fire the glyphs. Our dragons or our mounts will just naturally learn them. We don't have to scout out for these glyphs or anything. We will just naturally learn them and will be very elegant as we're flying through the skies. Essentially, and as always, there's new dungeons and raids. There are eight new dungeons and one raid at the very start of the expansion. Four of these dungeons will be leveling dungeons, four of them will be max level dungeons and then obviously, the raid is max level. The first raid is correct me if I'm wrong it is Azk'ahet. It is the Narubian stronghold, essentially, and you're going in there to kill the queen who has made a bargain with Salatath, and yeah, that's basically what you're doing. That's it. We don't need anything more. We're just going in there and killing the queen of the Narubians. So the war within looks good. It really does look good. We need to know a date for an Alpha and a Beta. I would hope that they can get that out relatively soon, because usually they're quite quick with PTRs and this expansion. But there is no 10.2.5 PTR immediately. So it kind of says that they're working on this as quick or as much as possible. So Dragonflight the back end of Dragonflight, might be a bit neglected, but I don't like that. I really don't want to see that. There has been info on a season four for Dragonflight already, which is really good. You've got PvP mounts, glad mounts coming up, so essentially they've got a lot of stuff ready, I think, for 10.3 and 10.2.5. It is just going to be finalizing that sort of thing. The Midnight and the Last Titan expansions we can only speculate, I'm afraid. I would like to see the war within release mid to late 2024, which I think it will. I think it will release around. I think we'll get a little bit of an earlier release. I think we'll get August. I think we'll get August compared to the usual, like November, december, but that's been very optimistic because you have Cataclysm in the first quarter of the year is what they've said and then you obviously have 10.2.5 and 10.3 to come and then you've got 10.3.5 which is the pre-patch for the expansion. I think it's very optimistic to say August time, but who knows, hopefully after that, every year or so, we'll see a new expansion year, year and a half. I don't know what that will mean for patches. They might just do two patches, two major patches, but we'll see. We'll definitely see. That is it for this episode. Thank you all very much for listening. As always, do check out all of the socials down below constant stuff happening. But thank you all very much for listening and go with our friend. Goodbye all.